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Planning the steps of your personal growth plan

Fuel Your Personal Growth 
Plan It, Do It
Personal Growth Tools

The personal growth coaching that works comes from within you. You've now committed yourself to a vision, a goal. You've already blasted through the obstacles that have kept you down for too long. Now it's time to do the practical work. You have to plan the work and do the work. This guide makes that as easy, clear, and motivating as possible.

7. Action: Plan your main landmarks.


  1. What will be a significant first step in your progress?
  2. What will the next significant step be?
  3. What are the rest of the landmarks?


Just as there are individual steps to fulfill, there are landmarks along your journey. Staying with the weight-loss plan, it might be specific numeric amounts. In a plan to improve your personality, it may be harder to define the landmarks. Perhaps a landmark in a plan to improve your relationships might be to not lose your temper for 24 hours. Then, for 72 hours. Do what ever your gut tells you.

Landmarks are mini goals, each one having steps leading up to it. Defining your landmarks makes your plan even easier.

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8. Action: Plan the individual steps in between each landmark.


  1. What immediate action made the landmark possible?
  2. What immediate action preceded that? And so forth.


Planning in reverse is far superior. It is the difference between telling what happened and guessing what will happen. When you write each step as if it had already happened, the confidence of knowing replaces the insecurity of hoping. Of all the personal growth tips, this is the most worthwhile.

9. Action: Evaluate your plan.


  1. Are there any weaknesses in this plan?
  2. How can you correct them?
  3. Can this plan be made clearer?
  4. Can this plan be made more exciting?


The best ideas come from the best questions. When you have a finished personal growth plan you should ask what you can do to make it even better. If you honestly answer "nothing", then you are good to go. More often you will surprise yourself with a truly brilliant idea.

Together with that, you must have the courage to face imperfections. As they say, no matter how far you've gone down the wrong path, turn back. Evaluate your plan honestly, consider getting feedback from a respected friend. Getting personal growth coaching from someone who knows you and what you are going to achieve is invaluable.

10. Action: Improve your plan with the great ideas you got during your evaluation.


  1. What revised or new steps will you add to the plan based on your evaluation?


Go for it, don't hold back. Make this the plan of a lifetime. Write it down, print it up. You might even consider framing it and hanging it on the wall. But don't be like those people who go to the pool. They then come home and tell their friends, "yeah I went to the pool." And the people in the pool know that they went there and sat on their behinds. Going to the gym and never lifting a finger is really funny.

So the moment you have finished your plan, schedule that first action. Get cooking within 24 hours, if possible. Keep it moving at a good pace. The more you accomplish, the more momentum and enthusiasm you have. Those are the fuels of your personal growth plan success.

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