Planning Tools. Business and Personal Action Plans.

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Creative project planning, how to write a project plan, get it done

Can a few hours really make you a creative genious?

Yes, now you have a really exciting concept and goal. It's time to start planning the steps, so that it will get done.

Remember to use The Power of Set Up, simply to focus on getting ready to get going.

That will give you your momentum.

Jump right in and write a plan NOW:

What do you want to accomplish or create?

Find products and services to extend your reach and reach your goals:

And now, let's go backwards!

10.  Action.  Plan each individual step, working backwards.


  1. What action must precede the final step you just planned?

  2. What time and ingredients will you need to do that action?

  3. How will you do it most efficiently?


Simply put, write the achieved goal as the final step of your creative plan. Then ask yourself what you had to do immediately before that. Then, asked the same question about that prior step. And so forth and so on, until you have arrived at the very first thing you need to do.

Time management is an important skill. I recommend overestimating the amount of time you will need for each action in your plan. If you finish early, reward yourself. If you finished late, or not at all, pick up the next time. It's best to plan actions that can be done in one session. By asking how you can do it most efficiently, you will find ways to streamline your process.

11.  Action.  Review and perfect your creative project plan.


  1. How can this plan be improved?

  2. Are there any weaknesses you need to fix?

  3. Does the plan feel right, and give you confidence?


Yes, we are asking again. Asking questions and challenging assumptions is the way to excellence. You've written all the steps, make sure they are efficient and doable.

12.  Action.  Schedule your first step.


  1. What day and hour will you start?


All the creative project planning expertise in the world is worthless if you don't get it done! The most empowering way to get it done is to use The Power of Set Up. Just get set up to do the first step, and you will have created the force that makes getting things done easy -- momentum!

Momentum is what you need now. Don't delay, dive right in. By writing this plan, you've already done some of the hardest work, and it wasn't really that hard. Do your first step as soon as you can and get that momentum. Keep that plan in front of you on a daily basis, and you will bring it to a successful completion.

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Now it is time to make sure you have exciting tools to help you plan. I love my pocket notebook with calculator. Some may love more sophisticated things. I still believe in planners that you write on with a pen or pencil, instead of messing around with a minuscule keyboard. Check out some of the special deals at Franklin Covey, to get planning materials that are made with effectiveness principles in mind.

    Result.  You have an exciting plan to make your creative project come to life. You see the roadmap, you know what to do. You feel relaxed confidence that you are finally going to achieve this goal.

You've brilliantly performed the creative project planning, now it's time to get it done! God bless you. You've got a plan!